Memory cultures


Memory Cultures in Dialogue is a podcast and blog of the Humanitarian Law Center from Belgrade, Serbia.

The podcast and blog oppose the hegemonic narratives about the breakup of Yugoslavia and the wars that ensued.

The facts about the armed conflicts that took place in the territory of former Yugoslavia in the 1990s are subject to constant distortion in the frameworks of dominant and state-sanctioned memory politics. The project strives for promoting a public dialogue about politics and cultures of memory and coming to terms with the past.

The podcast and blog inform, point out to the constructed nature of dominant narrative and deconstruct these narratives through discussions with experts and actors of memory activism from below. In addition to the post-Yugoslav context, we will talk about other post-conflict societies and memorialisation from below.

Podcast is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Podcast Addict and



Humanitarian Law Center

Humanitarian Law Center has worked on documentation of war crimes and human rights violations since 1992.

The work of Humanitarian Law Center encompasses the spheres of documentation, justice and memory.

Humanitarian Law Center supports post-Yugoslav societies in promotion of the rule of law and acceptance of the legacy of mass human rights violations, and therefore in establishing the criminal responsibility of the perpetrators, serving justice, and preventing recurrence.

Realisation of these goals in the region implies going through a comprehensive and multifaceted transitional justice process.

  • First and foremost, victims of war crimes need to fulfil their right to justice, truth, and reparation.
  • Second, this process encompasses bringing those responsible for the crimes to court and unravelling of the institutional and state structures that were instrumental in the systematic human rights violation of the 1990s wars.
  • Finally, awareness of the crimes that took place and giving recognition to the victims in broader society is crucial so that such crimes do not happen again.


Project „ Memory Cultures in Dialogue “ is supported by the grant of NIWANO Peace Foundation from Japan.